We're here to help you design more equitable food futures.

We serve a wide range of organizations working in food—including non-profits, small businesses, corporations, academic institutions, and foundations—and offer four primary services to meet your needs.

Our Services

Design strategy roadmapping

Workshop facilitation

We create customized workshops for food system organizations, internal program design teams, conferences, retreats, and other groups of collaborators.



We provide ongoing coaching through one or more phases of a design project, supporting you in engaged thought partnership.

Design coaching

Customized design engagement

We partner with you and the communities you serve on custom design engagements, ranging from design research/learning to full-length project implementation.



Through our signature discovery process, we develop custom design strategy roadmaps for your upcoming design projects.

Your organization has a new design or innovation project on the horizon and wants to create an equity-driven plan of action.

A good fit for you if:

You will receive a customized design strategy roadmap tailored for your specific project. This roadmap is your guide to implement your equity-driven design project and can be used in-house or by any external consultant or partner. (Truly—no strings attached!)

Design strategy roadmapping

Investment: $5,000



In partnership with your team and key stakeholders, we will walk through our studio's signature discovery process to understand what you hope to accomplish, the perspectives of those impacted by the project, and other essential information and insights. From there, we'll build an actionable design strategy roadmap that's ready to implement.

Design coaching

A good fit if:

You have in-house design or innovation staff looking for personalized equity design support and guidance.

Investment: Pricing varies based on number of coaching participants (individual vs. group) + number of coaching sessions



Through personalized coaching, we will support you and/or your team in identifying opportunities, addressing barriers, and ultimately strengthening your equity-centered design capabilities. We are here as your thought partner during one or more stages of a design project.

Through a customized coaching package, you will receive the support you need to meaningfully integrate equity into your design work. You can select between individual or group/team coaching, and can choose the number of sessions needed for a specific project at hand.

You are excited to grow a team’s knowledge on + skill set in a topic at the intersection of food, equity, and design.

A good fit for you if:

Workshop facilitation

Investment: Pricing varies based on workshop length, delivery mode (virtual vs. in-person), and number of participants



We will deliver an energizing and interactive workshop or series of workshops for your team or community, engaging participants through different learning modalities and encouraging both reflection and group conversation. We facilitate sessions on a wide variety of topics at the intersection of food, equity, and design. Click here to learn more about our existing and custom workshops.

A facilitated workshop or series of workshops on a topic area that helps build your team or community’s knowledge and capabilities. Workshops can be delivered virtually or in person.

Customized design engagement

A good fit if:

You need added capacity and expertise to strategize and lead the implementation or one or more phases of a design project.

Investment: Pricing varies based on scope of work + studio team capacity required



In partnership with your team and stakeholder community, we will strategize and facilitate the implementation of a customized design engagement. Engagements can take the form of full-length projects (from start to finish) or project phases (such as design research/learning or co-creation ideation workshops).

In the form of added capacity and thought partnership, you will receive a partner in design strategy and project implementation. One or more members of our studio will collaborate with your team and stakeholder community to develop the strategy for and implement one or more phases of a design process.